Poetry at the Point - October 22 with Jacqui Germain, Clayton Adam Clark, Rebecca Ellis, and Jamie Wendt

POETRY AT THE POINT on October 22 will feature poets Jacqui Germain, Clayton Adam Clark, Rebecca Ellis, and Jamie Wendt. Poetry at the Point is held at THE FOCAL POINT in Maplewood on the 4th Tuesday of the month. This reading series invites local and regional poets, and established and up-and-coming poets to share their words. The event is free.

JACQUI GERMAIN is a St. Louis-based poet and freelance writer who believes deeply in denim and pointy fingernails. She currently serves as 2019 Artist Fellow with the St. Louis Regional Arts Commission. Her poetry has been published in The Offing, Anomaly, and Muzzle Magazine, and has been anthologized in several collections. Her articles and essays have been published in The Nation, Pacific Standard, NOISEY, St. Louis Magazine, and ALIVE Magazine. Germain is also author of When the Ghosts Come Ashore, and has received fellowships from Callaloo Creative Writing Workshop, the Poetry Foundation's Emerging Poet's Incubator, and Jack Jones Literary Arts.

CLAYTON ADAM CLARK lives in St. Louis, his hometown, where he works as a public health research scientist and volunteers for River Styx magazine. His debut poetry collection, A Finitude of Skin, won the 2017 Moon City Poetry Award and was published in 2018 by Moon City Press. His poems have appeared in Poetry Daily, The Massachusetts Review, Mid-American Review, and Cimarron Review. He earned an MFA in creative writing at Ohio State University and is studying clinical mental health counseling at University of Missouri-St. Louis.

REBECCA ELLIS lives in southern Illinois. Her poems can be found in Bellevue Literary Review, The American Journal of Poetry, Naugatuck River Review, Sugar Mule, Sweet, RHINO, Prairie Schooner, and Crab Creek Review. She edited Cherry Pie Press, publishing poetry chapbooks by Midwestern women poets. She’s been part of the Six on Saturday poetry group for seven years, and part of Loosely Identified women’s poetry group for even longer. 

JAMIE WENDT’s debut poetry collection, Fruit of the Earth, was recently released from Main Street Rag Publishing Company. Her poetry has been published in Lilith, Raleigh Review, Minerva Rising, Third Wednesday, and Saranac Review. Her essays and book reviews have been published in Green Mountains Review, the Forward, Literary Mama, and others. She is a graduate of the University of Nebraska Omaha MFA program. She teaches high school English and lives in Chicago with her husband and two children. Find her at: https://jamiewendt.wordpress.com/.

The Focal Point is at 2720 Sutton. Parking is free in the lot on nearby Marietta Avenue or street parking. Readings start at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments available at the Maya Cafe next door. For more information or to read for the series contact Poetry at the Point Curator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For more information, contact Erin Quick at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Event Properties

Event Date 10-22-2019 7:30 pm
Location Focal Point